Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who has the time to blog?

Apparently not me. It has been a while.
I have a lot of issues going on right now, issues that I should blog about.

I will make an attempt.
Really I will.

With work, a family that includes many children and a faithful dog, I don't know where I will find the time.

But I have been burdened (maybe that's a little dramatic), but a couple issues have been dominating my mind lately:

To hire or not hire a Filipina nanny... the pros & cons... ethically.
Why a Filipina nanny?
That is a blog post fo sho!

College degrees?
University/College certificates?
Specialized courses?

Within my industry, experience reigns supreme. Hence the problem of needing the job to gain the experience. Why does this matter? I am looking for answers.

I did not succeed in my interview for my dream job. Don't shed a tear for me, it was a learning experience. It was my first Federal Government interview. If I could go back in time, I would have applied for other Government gigs to get the interview process experience before the dream job interview. Truth be told, I was really down after the news of FAILURE. The timing was not great either. After Christmas, before the new year.

So I was pretty dejected going into the new year. My tolerance for bullying pushed me to better things & ironically I succeeded in another job interview that I felt was a HR formality.

So I have achieved one goal that I set for myself a year ago, and in a surprising manner: I am a federal government employee - Crown Corporation to be exact.

So as I work happily for a Crown Corporation, biding my time for the next dream job interview (tentatively December 2010), I am looking to strengthen my resume... although as I reflect upon it, I don't think it is credentials that I am lacking.

It intimidates me to know that I am competing with Lawyers... seriously.
I just have to concede, that I lose that battle.
And I hope that a small minority of lawyers have the desire to work my dream job.

So as I wait, I am trying to figure out what is the best path that I control in order to improve my chances the second time around.
That is another blog post that I hope to bang out soon.

I miss Battlestar Galactica.
I loved the ending the second time around.

I have really come to enjoy "The Wire".
I am rambling, but I wanted to write something... it's been a long time.